It’s me dude’$

me-dudesEhm…It could be, there’s nothing special from me when u not facing directly. Me like as common Engineer. Now..i’m working in XL Axiata, prior in NEC-Indonesia..which handle in Transmission engineer. The scope of work are cross connect in V or U node in BSC, handle an access network in STM capacity and so on..

whereas in the past i had worked in PSN -Pacific Satellite Nusantara-as a Backbone Transmission Eng. That is multinational company in JAKARTA. I have joined with this company since june 2007. it’s still new comers in this big Company. however, i feel enjoy and feel compfort until this day.

That is fascinating experience worked at Satellite company. otherwise, it is the new challenge in my job experience.

In the past, I was joined in consultant Telco company as Network engineer, that is PT. Tri Tech-consult since December 2006. I decide to leave in the past company because, I do not feel enjoy with the ‘project enverionment’. although, my deep feel wanna to loyal with my company. It is because that company was introduced me and Learned me about telco field after i was graduated from STT Telkom.

wanna know more..



31 thoughts on “It’s me dude’$

  1. “Mochamad Ridwan, is Network engineer working at PSN -Pacific Satellite Nusantara- that is multinational company in JAKARTA. I have joined with this company since june 2007”.
    Wouww..this comment is like a resume. so i feel it is so strict. no flexibel. an also..may be no art sense. he he..
    That’s true. however, it’s me dude’s?!

  2. salam kenal juga, bro…
    ternyata jago nulis ya,…
    jadi malu nih tulisan di blog-ku dibaca.
    gak mutu gitu, hehe…
    anyway, thanks sudah berkunjung ke blog aku

  3. @BAS
    iya niy bas..akhirnya menelurkan WP juga setelah sebelumnya males-malesan untuk memulainya.

    Ok mas, banyak dapet inspirasinya juga dari mas pri. Terima Kasih mas Pri.

    she’s special one, to share especially ’bout life hehehe.. she is cupid, also

    Salam kenal juga, sis.

    HeraHadi kah kalo yang ini?

    Tulisan situ juga bagus koq sis. banyak informasi dan share tentang pengalamannya. ok, salam kenal sis.

    Salam balek, sis/bro kah??

  4. Allow Ridwan, merasa tertipu ngga?yang (katanya) imut sudah punya yang imut πŸ™‚ ….ih senengnya merendah, begitu bagus blognya, koq dibilang sederhana se, terus menulis ya, biar sy bisa mampir-mampir, sukses terus, maju terus alumnus stttelkom!!

  5. @lenijuwita
    hauahahaa…. iya Mba, Eh Bu?! Maksih bu atas.. spirit motivatornya.
    Salut juga dengan blog Bu Leni..yang tersirat banyak pelajaran, ataupun kisah menarik. (Tapi, yang sesi Gosipny) dikurangin ya Bu?
    Makasih Bu DR. hehehee πŸ™‚
    Pak, Telkomsel yg satu ini. umur oleh luwih tuwo aq, tapi..muka koq borosan sampeyan yo?!
    (hehee..itu sih, menurut orang-orang Lho Ta?!)

  6. @NuDe
    hehehe..ada yg salah sebut ya mas, dengan Nylenehnya? moga berkenan dapet atribut ‘nylenehnya’ di bloG ini ya blok?! huahahaaa πŸ˜€
    wuadu..dapat pengaduan ketidak adilan, perlakuan niy..tapi insyaAllah diupayakan tidak sedemikian kedepannya. ( wise πŸ™‚ )

  7. Assalamua’alaikum Pak…
    waah… pak ridwan jago nulis neeh…
    mudah2an nggak ada kata males bwt terus menulis…

    Sukses Bro….

    eh… kalo mo jalan2 di Jakarta, ajak2 donk…

  8. Salam kenal, kunjungan balik nih. Thanks ya udah mampir ke blog saya. Btw aku bukan lulusan UnTul loh :p Lulusan STT Telkom ya? Ada beberapa temanku yg lulusan sana, kira2 kenal gak yah?

    It’s nice blog πŸ™‚

  9. @ Mutia
    IPB : institut Perbankan Bogor ya?! hehehe

    @ Chaniago
    thx bro for support. this is an XL-engineer, and also my classmate. rajin2 nulis jg bro?

    @ Hatta
    hehehe the kutu Loncat person, meski akhirnya berlabuh di HUAWEI.klo seneng HWUA..klo Lagi ad masalah HWEI..

    @ Lintang
    salam kenal juga Lintang. nice to know u

    @ Pramudyaputrautama
    hehee..senior saya ini yg sekarang berlabuh di TELKOMSEL ya? kompetitormu MaL? akur2 aja ya buat engineernya. biar Gampang Gw pindah kerjanya.
    cukup team marketing aj yg perang.

  10. errr…
    karakteristik yang disusun dari huruf-huruf nama lo, (Modest, Otherwordly, Cheerful, Happy, ……) bagus2 bener..
    Emang beneran begitu apa sekalian narsis neh rid? hehehe

  11. @pramudyaputrautama
    iyo e kang.. Lagi bertapa ki. belum turun gunung?! hehee Lom sempet posting kang.

    salam balik..sering2 mampir

    salam kenal balik kang, semoga tim Garudanya selalu menang diajang Independence cup, atawa Asean.

    hehehe.. mau tau lebih detailny sis? ketik REG spasi Primbon spasi Tanggal Lahir kirim ke 1234567890

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